Event Venue & Special Debuts
Enjoy the outdoors and let us host your birthday party, company event, or even your school's field trip. You'll be supporting a good cause all while celebrating your event and experiencing close interaction with the farm angels. The farm angels can also make special appearances for your photoshoot, plays, scenery, or videos. We are NOT a petting zoo.
Event venue & Special Debut are by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Prices vary by event request and require $50 deposit upon booking. Contact us for more information!
Why Choose Farm Angels Sanctuary for a Special Event or Special Debut?
Farm Angels Sanctuary is conveniently located off the 303 and Waddell with stores in close proximity for your party's needs. It's also in a safe, quite, and spacious area to enjoy the outdoors, host your event, and bond with the farm angels.
Learning experience and exclusive farm angel connections
Education is an important part of Farm Angels Sanctuary's mission. With that said, you'll be provided with several educational opportunities as we share farm angels stories, info, and facts as you experience the unique interaction, personal connection, and bonding with the farm angels that fosters an appreciative and natural learning environment.
Experience with hosting and special debuts
We've already hosted birthday parties, educational tours, and school events with great success! Some of the farm angels even made special appearances at a local church's nativity scene from recommendations.
Interested in Planning a Special Event or Special Debut?
Please use the "Special Event or Debut Request" form below to submit the date/time you are interested in. A staff member will contact you shortly to confirm availability for your requested date/time.
To ensure your event runs smoothly, we highly encourage members to complete the "Accident Waiver and Release of Liability" form prior to their scheduled date/time. The "Accident Waiver and Release of Liability" form as well as completion instructions can be found after the "Special Event or Debut Request" section.
Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form
To ensure your event runs smoothly, we highly encourage members to complete the "Accident Waiver and Release of Liability" form prior to their scheduled event.
Paperless Options (eco-friendly):
Based upon your available computer software programs, please select and download the "Accident Waiver and Release of Liability" form in either Microsoft Word or Google Docs format. Then fill in required fields and sign.
To electronically sign/initial in Microsoft Word, please use the pen/draw function. To electronically sign/initial in Google Docs, please use the draw/scribble function
Once required fields and signatures/initials are complete, save the form then email them to farmangelssanctuary@gmail.com
Paper Option:
Based upon your available computer software programs, please select the "Accident Waiver and Release of Liability" form in either Microsoft Word or Google Docs format
Then download and print the "Accident Waiver and Release of Liability"
In black or blue ink, please complete the required fields and sign
Once required fields and signatures/initials are complete, please ensure to bring the form with you on your scheduled event